Address TS-A88G-RXKC-26PL-BXP2P
ID 11133669858504612046
Name XmasContest
Description Creator adds up balance to the contest, by sending transactions without message. Participants send their messages, supposed to be right answer. Creator sends a transaction with a message, that is the right answer. The contract loops thru all messages again comparing the participants messages with the right answer. 10 different participants with the right answer will receive a prize: 1st 40%, 2nd 25%, 3rd 14%, 4th to 10th 3%. The remaining balance will be donated to SNA, and the contract will finish by sending any upcoming balance to SNA.
Creation Block 372010
Version 2
Activation 1.0 TSIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0031 per TSIGNA)
Code Hash ID 9651432755814397659
State bytes
Code bytes